The @RunWith
annotation is part of JUnit 4 and is set to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner
to run the unit test.
The other annotations, except for @Test
, are Spring annotations. @ContextConfiguration
the Spring context and by default looks for a Spring XML file in the same package as the unit test with the file name the same as
the class with '-context.xml' as a suffix (ex: PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest-context.xml.). @TransactionConfiguration
and @Transactional
configure transactions for the tests.
The method with @Test
is the main test method which saves a person in a transaction. The method with @BeforeTransaction
is run before the transaction starts and the method with @AfterTransaction
is run after the transaction ends.
They both use SimpleJdbcTemplate
to directly check the database and avoid any caching Hibernate might be performing.
Example 1. PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest
@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) @ContextConfiguration @TransactionConfiguration @Transactional public class PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests { final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest.class); protected static int SIZE = 2; protected static Integer ID = new Integer(1); protected static String FIRST_NAME = "Joe"; protected static String LAST_NAME = "Smith"; protected static String CHANGED_LAST_NAME = "Jackson"; @Autowired protected PersonDao personDao = null; /** * Tests that the size and first record match what is expected * before the transaction. */ @BeforeTransaction public void beforeTransaction() { testPerson(true, LAST_NAME); } /** * Tests person table and changes the first records last name. */ @Test public void testHibernateTemplate() throws SQLException { assertNotNull("Person DAO is null.", personDao); Collection<Person> lPersons = personDao.findPersons(); assertNotNull("Person list is null.", lPersons); assertEquals("Number of persons should be " + SIZE + ".", SIZE, lPersons.size()); for (Person person : lPersons) { assertNotNull("Person is null.", person); if (ID.equals(person.getId())) { assertEquals("Person first name should be " + FIRST_NAME + ".", FIRST_NAME, person.getFirstName()); assertEquals("Person last name should be " + LAST_NAME + ".", LAST_NAME, person.getLastName()); person.setLastName(CHANGED_LAST_NAME);; } } } /** * Tests that the size and first record match what is expected * after the transaction. */ @AfterTransaction public void afterTransaction() { testPerson(false, LAST_NAME); } /** * Tests person table. */ protected void testPerson(boolean beforeTransaction, String matchLastName) { List<Map<String, Object>> lPersonMaps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT * FROM PERSON"); assertNotNull("Person list is null.", lPersonMaps); assertEquals("Number of persons should be " + SIZE + ".", SIZE, lPersonMaps.size()); Map<String, Object> hPerson = lPersonMaps.get(0); logger.debug((beforeTransaction ? "Before" : "After") + " transaction. " + hPerson.toString()); Integer id = (Integer)hPerson.get("ID"); String firstName = (String)hPerson.get("FIRST_NAME"); String lastName = (String)hPerson.get("LAST_NAME"); if (ID.equals(id)) { assertEquals("Person first name should be " + FIRST_NAME + ".", FIRST_NAME, firstName); assertEquals("Person last name should be " + matchLastName + ".", matchLastName, lastName); } } }