3. Converter Code

There are two simple interfaces, Converter and ListConverter, used to copy to and from two different types classes. This provides a clear interface for the application to interact with even though Dozer is the primary implementation, it provides some flexibility for other possible implementations. Such as converting a JSON String to and from a class.

Example 1. Converter

Simple interface for converting to and from any two classes.

public interface Converter<T, V> {

     * Converts from a domain model to the business model.
    public V convertTo(T source);

     * Converts from a business model to the domain model.
    public T convertFrom(V source);


Example 2. ListConverter

Simple interface for converting to and from lists of any two classes.

public interface ListConverter<T, V> extends Converter<T, V> {

     * Converts from a domain model list to a business model list.
    public List<V> convertListTo(Collection<T> list);
     * Converts from a business model list to a domain model list.
    public List<T> convertListFrom(Collection<V> list);


Example 3. AbstractMapperListConverter

Most converter implementations should just need to extend this class and pass in the appropriate parameters to the constructor.

public abstract class AbstractMapperListConverter<T, V> extends AbstractListConverter<T, V> {

    private final Mapper mapper;
    private final Class<T> tClazz;
    private final Class<V> vClazz;

    public AbstractMapperListConverter(Mapper mapper,
                                       Class<T> tClazz, Class<V> vClazz) {
        this.mapper = mapper;
        this.tClazz = tClazz;
        this.vClazz = vClazz;

    public V convertTo(T source) {
        Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null.");

        return mapper.map(source, vClazz);

    public T convertFrom(V source) {
        Assert.notNull(source, "Source must not be null.");
        return mapper.map(source, tClazz);

Example 4. ContactConverter

The ContactConverter converts to and from the entity and JAXB bean. It extends AbstractMapperListConverter, which basically just delegates to Dozer.

public class ContactConverter extends AbstractMapperListConverter<org.springbyexample.contact.orm.entity.person.Person, Person> {

    public ContactConverter(Mapper mapper) {
              org.springbyexample.contact.orm.entity.person.Person.class, Person.class);