Reusable libraries/modules released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 and developed with Java 6.
The Spring by Example Custom ServletContext Scope module is a custom scope implementation for providing ServletContext (web application) scoped beans.
The Spring by Example Custom Thread Scope module is a custom scope implementation for providing thread scoped beans.
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The Dynamic Tiles 2 module dynamically renders a Tiles 2 template with Spring MVC. Any request coming in mapped for Tiles processing will use
the default template and dynamically insert the body based on the URL. There is support for AJAX and Spring Web Flow requests to render
a fragment of a URL (based on AjaxTilesView
from Spring JS and FlowAjaxTilesView
from Spring Web Flow).
The Spring by Example JCR module uses Spring Modules JCR (Java Content Repository) module. Currently the utilities provide a way to recurse through the repositories nodes using JcrTemplate and a custom node callback for each matching node found while recursing the repository. This example uses Apache Jackrabbit for the Java Content Repository which is the reference implementation for JSR-170.
The Spring by Example Utils module currently has the HttpClientTemplate
and HttpClientOxmTemplate
which are light wrappers on top of Apache's HttpClient
providing Spring style code based templating.
The latter template provides marshaling and unmarshalling of XML based requests.
Built on top of the HttpClientTemplate
and HttpClientOxmTemplate
the SolrOxmClient
provides for easier client communication with Apache Solr.
Solr provides an XML based API over HTTP to
the Apache Lucene search engine.
marshalls/unmarshalls searches and updates to and from a JavaBean. It also allows calls to commit, rollback, and optimize.
The Logger BeanPostProcessor
provides logger creation and injection based on reflection, interfaces, or annotations.
is a utility to process images and currently can help scale and image from one size to another
either using a
or a
to a
There is a Spring GWT Controller for standard GWT usage and also Spring Bayeux integration for using Comet on Jetty.
There is an ImageInterceptor
that intercepts a request and looks in a directory that matches
the requests relative path. Currently it only matches one image extension type which defaults to '.jpg'. It generates
a thumbnail if one doesn't exist and also makes a list of available thumbnails and images.