3. Repository

Example 1. PersonRepository

The repository extends JpaRepository and passes the JPA entity and it's primary key being managed. Basic methods for finding a single record, all records, paginated records, create/update, and delete are automatically provided. It's also very easy to overload any custom query to add pagination and sorting.

The findByFirstNameLike method let's Spring Data JPA automatically generate a like query for the first name column, and findByLastName for an equals query for the last name column. The third method, findByAddress, creates a custom query using @Query and a standard JQL query. @Param is used before the method param to create a named parameter. Otherwise it would have created a position based param (ex: 'a.address = ?0').


Refer to Spring Data JPA's query creation section to see all the different ways the method name can be overloaded to automatically generate queries (And/Or/Between/LessThan/GreaterThan/etc.).

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer> {
    public final static String FIND_BY_ADDRESS_QUERY = "SELECT p " + 
                                                       "FROM Person p LEFT JOIN p.addresses a " +
                                                       "WHERE a.address = :address";

     * Find persons like first name.
    public List<Person> findByFirstNameLike(String firstName);

     * Find persons by last name.
    public List<Person> findByLastName(String lastName);

     * Find persons by address.
    public List<Person> findByAddress(@Param("address") String address);



Example 2. PersonRepository Page Query

The second findByAddress query performs the same search as the first one, but a Pageable parameter has been added to the method. The page, and number of records for a page can be passed in.


Besides being able to add Pageable, there is also a Sort parameter that can be added. A PageRequest, which implements Pageable, can also take sort information. So only a Pageable or Sort needs to be added to a repository method.

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer> {

     * Find paged persons by address.
    public Page<Person> findByAddress(@Param("address") String address, Pageable page);


Example 3. PersonRepository Named Query

The final query, findByName, searches for first and last name using a custom query. But instead of embedding the query in Java it is named query in the orm.xml. This may make it easier to manage larger queries.


The query is automatically matched to '${domainClassName}.${methodName}', but this can be overridden using the @Query name attribute.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entity-mappings xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm" 
                 xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/orm orm_2_0.xsd" 

    <named-query name="Person.findByName">
        <query>select p from Person p where p.firstName = :firstName AND p.lastName = :lastName</query>

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer> {

     * Find persons by first and last name.
    public List<Person> findByName(@Param("firstName") String firstName, @Param("lastName") String lastName);