If a request is made for '/info/index.html', Spring will pass 'info/index' into the view. The first thing will be to look for 'info/index'
as a Tiles definition. Then a template definition of '.info.mainTemplate', which if found will dynamically have a body set on this definition.
If the previous aren't found, it is assumed a root definition exists. This would be '.mainTemplate'. If none of these exist,
a TilesException
will be thrown.
is thrown.
The following are the default values for determining a Tiles definition for a request. If these aren't acceptable, they can be changed
using TilesUrlBasedViewResolver
which is a subclass of UrlBasedViewResolver
Or for AJAX support TilesAjaxUrlBasedViewResolver
, which is a subclass of AjaxUrlBasedViewResolver
can be used.
Table 1. DynamicTilesView
Property | Default Value |
tilesDefinitionName | mainTemplate |
tilesBodyAttributeName | content |
tilesDefinitionDelimiter | . |
<bean id="dynamicTilesViewResolver" class="org.springbyexample.web.servlet.view.tiles2.TilesUrlBasedViewResolver"> <property name="viewClass" value="org.springbyexample.web.servlet.view.tiles2.DynamicTilesView" /> <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/"/> <property name="suffix" value=".jsp"/> <property name="tilesDefinitionName" value="root" /> <property name="tilesBodyAttributeName" value="content" /> <property name="tilesDefinitionDelimiter" value="-" /> </bean>