Package org.springbyexample.web.servlet.view.tiles2

Class Summary
AjaxDynamicTilesView If the request isn't an AJAX request, DynamicTilesView will handle the request.
DynamicTilesView View implementation that first checks if the request is a Tiles definition, then if it isn't tries to retrieve a default Tiles template and uses the url to dynamically set the body.
DynamicTilesViewProcessor Used for rendering and processing a dynamic tiles view.
FlowAjaxDynamicTilesView If the request isn't an AJAX request, DynamicTilesView will handle the request.
TilesAjaxUrlBasedViewResolver Extends AjaxUrlBasedViewResolver and provides some properties to set tiles values if the view is a DynamicTilesView.
TilesUrlBasedViewResolver Extends UrlBasedViewResolver and provides some properties to set tiles values if the view is a DynamicTilesView.

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