Class DefaultPageBeanValidator

  extended by org.springmodules.validation.commons.AbstractBeanValidator
      extended by org.springmodules.validation.commons.AbstractPageBeanValidator
          extended by org.springmodules.validation.commons.DefaultPageBeanValidator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Validator, PageAware

public class DefaultPageBeanValidator
extends AbstractPageBeanValidator

A bean validator that is aware of the page attribute in the form configuration. This may be useful for partial bean validation (that is, selected properties of the bean) needed for example in web wizard controllers.

Uri Boness

Constructor Summary
          Default constructor (javabean support)
DefaultPageBeanValidator(int page)
          Constructs a new DefaultPageBeanValidator with a given page to validate.
Method Summary
protected  String getFormName(Class cls)
          If useFullyQualifiedClassName is false (default value), this function returns a string containing the uncapitalized, short name for the given class (e.g. myBean for the class com.domain.test.MyBean).
 void setUseFullyQualifiedClassName(boolean useFullyQualifiedClassName)
          Sets the value of the useFullyQualifiedClassName.
Methods inherited from class org.springmodules.validation.commons.AbstractPageBeanValidator
cleanupValidator, getPage, initValidator, setPage
Methods inherited from class org.springmodules.validation.commons.AbstractBeanValidator
getLocale, setValidatorFactory, supports, validate
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultPageBeanValidator()
Default constructor (javabean support)


public DefaultPageBeanValidator(int page)
Constructs a new DefaultPageBeanValidator with a given page to validate.

page - The page that should be validated by this validator.
Method Detail


public void setUseFullyQualifiedClassName(boolean useFullyQualifiedClassName)
Sets the value of the useFullyQualifiedClassName.


protected String getFormName(Class cls)
If useFullyQualifiedClassName is false (default value), this function returns a string containing the uncapitalized, short name for the given class (e.g. myBean for the class com.domain.test.MyBean). Otherwise, it returns the value returned by Class.getName().

Specified by:
getFormName in class AbstractBeanValidator
cls - Class of the bean to be validated.
the bean name.

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